Video Marketing 101 For Singapore SMB


The Growing Importance of Using Video Marketing For Conversion


In our previous article, we have talked about how content marketing complement your SEO marketing in improving search engine rankings. In this article, we will go into another type of marketing technique known as Video Marketing which goes hand in hand with SEO search engine optimisation.

Why Video Marketing?

The Year of Video Marketing is far from over as more and more businesses are now using this medium to reach out and engage their customers. Video marketing is a great converting marketing tactic as they give your customers a visually appealing overview of your company’s products and/or services without overloading them with text.

Within a short span of 45 seconds, your customers can get the information they need about your brand, your business and your offerings.

Digital marketing goes well with videos because customers love videos. Platforms such as Facebook Live, Snapchat, Youtube and Periscope are instrumental in accomplishing this purpose. The cost of developing a marketing video is relatively low as compared to a traditional TV or radio ad. Businesses with low budget can use their own built-in phone cameras or simply paid less than $50 in Fiverr for an engaging animated explainer video to be created.

In Singapore more than 50% of the consumers watch videos on their smartphones daily so, this is a valuable tool for communicating with customers.

Videos are being used as integrative tools in marketing jewelry in Singapore. With no custom or import duty paid, the Singaporean jewelry market is bound to grow rapidly hence the need to instigate effective marketing equipment to attract potential customers.

Taka Jewellery, Lovis Diamonds and JannPaul Diamonds Singapore are embracing video marketing technique to create brand awareness and generate sales from this digital marketing strategy. Below video is an example of how JannPaul is using video marketing to drive more brand awareness and generate sales. They have created JannPaul Diamonds Singapore Youtube channel with a series of educational videos such as the ones below to inform, educate and market their Singapore diamonds to viewers as well as to teach the target audience how to select the right solitaire diamond for proposal ring.

You can now have your videos displayed in many social media platforms besides just using Youtube.  Some of the top social sites in which you can now upload your marketing videos are in Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter’s Vine and Vimeo – just to name a few.  More and more young adults and the teens are watching Snapchat videos on their smartphone devices.

An important mistake to avoid in video marketing is this – by not including a clear call to action in your video.  Your video may be great and are able to appeal to customers. However if your viewers have no ideal what is expected of them after they have watched your video, then all your effort and hard work will go down the drain.

Attaching a simple call to action like a discount coupon code or subscribe to your Youtube channel, or visit your website, at the end of your video could help lead to a conversion that may not have happened.

In a nutshell, video marketing is definitely one great way for your business and brand to stand out from the other text-heavy advertisers. When designed and implemented correctly, a video marketing campaign will help your business increase brand awareness, reach more new customers and convert more sales.
